Talks & WorkshopsDelightful User Experience Futures | Marjane, Al Mada Group

The Future of Work and the Built Environment | Jones Lang LaSalle Incorporated (JLL)

The Future of Work and the Built Environment | Jones Lang LaSalle Incorporated (JLL)

Designing for Tomorrow, Today  | European Institute of Innovation & Technology, EIT Hub Silicon Valley

Design Futures Hackathon - Designing with Generative AI | EDHEC Business School

The Power of Rapid Prototyping and Leaving Something Behind | SVIC Silicon Valley Impact Camp

Human-Centered Design in Construction and Manufacturing | Sonasid (ArcelorMittal)

Design as a Mindset: Transforming Work and Culture | SL Group

Using Fiction to Find Your Strategy | Credit Agricole

The Art of Presenting Presentations | GIZ German Development Agency

Speculative Design, Storytelling, and Human-Centered Design | ZAHW Zurich School of Management

The Art of Presenting Presentations, Deplastify the Planet | UC Berkeley Sutardja Center for Entrepreneurship

The Art of Presenting Presentations, Equitable Design Lab | UC Berkeley Haas School of Business

Speculative Futures and Human-Centered Design | Berkeley Invention Corps

Human-Centered Design and the Flaws of Design Thinking | Fung Fellowship, UC Berkeley

Intro to Design Fiction and Strategic Foresight | Sutardja Center for Entrepreneurship, UC Berkeley

The Future of the Bay Area Hackathon | EDHEC Business School

Design Fiction on the Future of Healthcare and Environmental Conservation | Fung Fellowship, UC Berkeley

Design Futures Hackathon | EDHEC Business School

Speculative Design Practices - A Workshop of the Future | UdK University of the Arts Berlin

San Francisco, CA, USA

London, UK

New York, NY, USA

San Francisco, CA, USA

Oakland, CA, USA

Berkeley, CA, USA

San Francisco, CA, USA

Paris, France

Milan, Italy

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Zurich, Switzerland

Berkeley, CA, USA

Berkeley, CA, USA

Berkeley, CA, USA

Berkeley, CA, USA

Berkeley, CA, USA

Oakland, CA, USA

Berkeley, CA, USA

San Francisco, CA, USA

Berlin, Germany




















Teaching & MentoringDeplastify the Planet | UC Berkeley Sutardja Center for Entrepreneurship
Lecturer - ENGIN 183 Berkeley Changemakers, Sustainable Design

Berkeley Changemaker + Big Ideas
| UC Berkeley Haas School of Business
Lecturer - UGBA 96 Lower Division Special Topics in Business Administration

Deplastify the Planet
| UC Berkeley Sutardja Center for Entrepreneurship
ENGIN 183 Berkeley Changemakers - Client: Kimberly Clarke - The Future of Hand Hygiene
Team Mentor (5 Students)

ENGIN 183 Berkeley Changemakers - Client: Electrolux - Life Cycle Analysis in Refrigerators
Team Mentor (4 Students)

ENGIN 183 Berkeley Changemakers - Client: Continental - Sustainable Automotive Interior
Team Mentor (5 Students)

ENGIN 183 Berkeley Changemakers - Client: Procter & Gamble - Future of Body & Mind
Team Mentor (5 Students)

Equitable Design Lab | UC Berkeley Haas School of Business
UGBA 190T.1 Berkeley Design Your Life - Client: Method - Inclusion in Bodycare
Team Mentor (3 Students)
FA 2024

FA 22 - FA 2024

SP 2023

FA 2022

FA 2022

SP 2022

FA 2021

Jury AssignmentsMDes Master of Design Fall Showcase | UC Berkeley Jacobs Center for Design Innovation
Jury Member

MDes Master of Design Spring Showcase | UC Berkeley Jacobs Center for Design Innovation
Jury Member

MDE Master of Design Engineering | Harvard University Graduate School of Design
Advisor for Thesis Project, Jae Hyun An " - Artificial Intelligence for Design Research"

MDes Master of Design Fall Showcase | UC Berkeley Jacobs Center for Design Innovation
Jury Member

MDes Master of Design | UC Berkeley Jacobs Center for Design Innovation
Academic Officer
FA 2023

SP 2023

  SP 2023

FA 2022


Awards & HonorsBest Thesis Award for "Audiomycelia - Design for sustainable consumption, mycelium-based hardware design"
MDes Master of Design | UC Berkeley Jacobs Center for Design Innovation

Showcase Award "Spectacular Work" for "Meshpass - Subscription-based emigration in the Virtual States of America"
MDes Master of Design | UC Berkeley Jacobs Center for Design Innovation

Showcase Award "Spectacular Work" for "The Future of Education"
MDes Master of Design | UC Berkeley Jacobs Center for Design Innovation

Distinguished Scholar Award at the University of California Berkeley
MDes Master of Design | UC Berkeley Jacobs Center for Design Innovation                        
In recognition of the achievements of an applicant, the MDes Distinguished Scholar Award is an honor, 
extended only to candidates of the highest caliber (USD 15,000.00).

Young Talents Award "Berliner Zimmer", DIY Berlin Design Exhibition

Berlin Design Talents at "Fiori Salone at Salone del Mobile"







EducationMaster in Design (MDes) for Emerging Technologies | University of California Berkeley
College of Engineering, College of Environmental Design    

Bachelor of Arts - Industrial Design | University of Applied Sciences Potsdam

‘Fachhochschulreife’ (equivalent to a specialized high school diploma with a focus on preparing for universities)

Associate Degree - Fashion Design | Modekolleg Holzenbecher (Now part of Kolping Bildungswerk Wuerttemberg)

Berkeley, CA, USA

Potsdam, Germany

Munich, Germany

Stuttgart, Germany




Memberships & Involvements
Ambassador, Embodied AI and Industrial Design | International Society of Service Innovation Professionals (ISSIP)

Mentor, Startup Advisor | INNOVIT San Francisco, Italian Innovation and Culture Hub

MDes Design Fellow | UC Berkeley Jacobs Center for Design Innovation 

Member | GABA German American Business Association of Northern California 

Member | Design Futures Initiative 

Member | IDSA Industrial Design Association of America

Member | GACC German American Chamber of Commerce, New York Chapter

Student Ambassador | VDID Association of German Industrial Designers, Berlin and Northern Germany







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